Clinical Case: Is it possible to do more with less? Cracking the chameleon effect
Using 3M™ Filtek™ Easy Match Universal Restorative.
Using 3M™ Filtek™ Supreme XTE Universal Restorative, 3M™ Sof-Lex™ Contouring Polishing Discs, and 3M™ Sof-Lex™ Diamond Polishing System.
The patient had a post-orthodontic anterior diastema mesial to the right lateral incisor. The challenge was to close the diastema and increase the size of the lateral incisor while maintaining proper contour and esthetics.
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The patient presented with an anterior diastema.
Isolation with a rubber dam pushed the gingiva apically to provide access to the cervical area so a proper anatomical contour and emergence profile could be created.
A mylar strip was used to protect the adjacent tooth from etching. The mesial proximal, facial and lingual areas were etched with 3M™ Scotchbond™ Universal Etchant.
Clinical tip: Protecting Adjacent Teeth
Be sure to use a mylar strip, or other method of your choosing, to protect adjacent teeth during the etching and bonding procedures
To prevent contact of the adhesive with the adjacent tooth, a second mylar strip was placed. Adhesive was applied, scrubbed for 20 seconds, gently air dried for 5 seconds, and light cured* with an LED curing light for 10 seconds.
3M™ Filtek™ Supreme XTE Universal Restorative, shade XWE, was placed in two increments, each light cured for 10 seconds.*
The first increment was placed over the facial aspect of tooth and feathered toward the middle to improve blending. The second increment was placed to fill the diastema’s palatal aspect. A mylar strip helped close the diastema completely.
To begin the contouring and polishing process, the proper length was established with a 3M™ Sof-Lex™ XT Contouring Disc. Then an incisal-facial line angle was formed. Finally, the mesio-facial line angle, and the incisal, facial and palatal embrasures, were defined.
Once contoured, the surface characterization of the adjacent teeth was copied onto the restoration using a fine diamond (not shown).
Finishing and polishing was completed in two steps. First, a 3M™ Sof-Lex™ Pre-Polishing Spiral was used to remove scratches and prepare the composite for final polish.
Next, a 3M™ Sof-Lex™ Diamond Polishing Spiral was used to impart a smooth, high-gloss polish. Lastly, the proximal surface was polished with 3M™ Sof-Lex™ Finishing and Polishing Strips.
Upon finishing the restoration, the patient was very satisfied with the ideal contour, surface smoothness and life-like luster.
The patient returned one week later for a final post-operative appointment and was very satisfied with the final restoration.
Refer to Instructions for Use (IFU) for complete product information. Results may vary.
* Light cured according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Clinical dentistry and photography by Dr. Marcos Vargas (Iowa City, Iowa, USA).
Using 3M™ Filtek™ Easy Match Universal Restorative.
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