Preview des Solventum Messestandes auf der IDS 2025
January 24, 2023

IDS Press Conference Registration 2025

As a new company with a long legacy of creating breakthrough solutions for dentistry, we are pleased to present our latest innovations in the fields of prevention, restorative dentistry and aligner therapy. They all have been developed to change patients’ lives for the better.

Für die deutsche Registrierungsseite klicken Sie hier.

The press conference takes place

on Wednesday, March 26, 2025
from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
in the Congress-Centrum Ost of Koelnmesse, conference room 3-5


Welcome and introduction of speakers Bernd Betzold
Marketer PR & Communication
We are Solventum Karim Mansour
Innovation in restorative dentistry and prevention Dr. Reinhold Hecht
Corporate Scientist
Clarity Aligners: Orthodontics for dental practices Thomas Landrock
Marketing Leader Germany
Outlook into the future Karim Mansour
Questions & answers Bernd Betzold


Following the one-hour press conference, we would like to offer you the opportunity to interview one of our expert at the Solventum booth.

Please complete the press conference registration form and indicate your interview requests.

    Your professional information

    Interview partner (please indicate two preferences)

    bold_s Karim Mansour bold_e - President, Dental Solutions -(Language: English)bold_s Cagatay Guler bold_e - Vice President EMEA, Dental Solutions -(Language: English)bold_s Ellen Bosl bold_e - Global R&D Leader Dental Solutions (Language: English)bold_s Dr. Reinhold Hecht bold_e - Corporate Scientist - (Language: German or English)bold_s Thomas Landrock bold_e - Marketing Leader Germany, Dental Solutions -(Language: German or English)

    Time frame

    We will send you an appointment proposal as soon as possible.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the truck.

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