Solventum IDS 2025
March 4, 2025

IDS 2025: Solventum Speaker Program

Ths is the speaker program for the IDS.  For the main article click here. We are looking forward to seeing you at the IDS 2025 (25th-29th of March) in Cologne. You can find us at booth G090 in hall 4.2, there you can expect new, exciting, and innovative products that can revolutionize your everyday work in your practice.

Marcin Krupinski


Veneering & Finishing in a Shot with Marcin Krupinski

Less is more! Discover a simplified step-by-step protocol on how to create direct composite veneers. A single shade composite will be used, and with appropriate finishing, a lifelike and satisfactory patient outcome can be achieved.

Wednesday, 11:00 am and 3:00 pm

Sara Laface

Custom Smiles / StyleItaliano

Clear Aligners & Composites: A Seamless Esthetic Workflow with Sara Laface

Aligning teeth excites patients—refining with composite makes it effortless. This single-system approach gives general practitioners a predictable, repeatable, and minimally invasive solution, making aesthetic dentistry more accessible and easier to communicate, even on social media.

Wednesday, 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm
Thursday, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm

Silvana Thering and Stefan Vandeweghe

Success Simplified

Cementation Solved with Silvana Thering and Stefan Vandeweghe

Among numerous steps on the journey to restoration success, a proper cementation workflow is crucial for ensuring the retention, marginal seal, and durability of the indirect restoration. The daily challenge – how do you make an informed decision on what cement to use and how to use it to achieve the best clinical outcomes for you and your patients? Join our expert speakers to learn how to solve adhesive cementation cases and get practical step-by-step guidance for your everyday clinical work.

Silvana Thering (German): Friday, 2:00 pm and Saturday, 1:00 pm
Stefan Vandeweghe: Wednesday, 12:00 pm and Thursday, 11:00 am

Claire Burgess


Effective Strategies for Managing Class II Contacts with Claire Burgess

The aim of the Bioclear™ Method is to preserve and respect the biomechanics of the natural tooth, whilst replacing deficient, missing, or disease of the tooth structure. Using ‘injection moulding’ composite placement techniques and Filtek™ restoratives allow dentists to have a predictable system for good posterior contacts, something which has been a big challenge.

Friday, 11:00 am

Streamlined Solutions for Completing Orthodontic Cases with Composite with Claire Burgess

Some studies estimate 40% of adult orthodontic treatment cases that could result in black triangles, which is a main cause of patient’s aesthetic concerns. Bioclear™ method is a great tool to solve them, without tooth reduction, and additive dentistry, that any dentist or
orthodontist with the proper training can manage.

Saturday, 12:00 pm

Paulo Monteiro


The Power of Flowable Composite Materials in StyleItaliano with Paulo Monteiro

Explore the power of flowable composites! You will learn about the importance of flowable resin composites in the dental practice and the numerous situations where flowables can be a real problem solver. Get the tips & tricks from an expert on how to choose the best flowable materials for different clinical situations.

Thursday, 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm

Marco Maiolino


Unlocking Wedgeless Anterior Restoration with Marco Maiolino

Managing contact points in anterior teeth is always a challenge for the clinician. Bioclear™ anterior matrices allow us to close black triangles, diastemas, Class III, peg laterals… with the certainty of obtaining a perfect emergence profile and contact points without the use of wedges.

Thursday, 4:00 pm

Meenal Patel

Custom Smiles / StyleItaliano

Combined Orthodontics, Restorative and Esthetics with Meenal Patel

Exploring innovative solutions in digitally designed smile makeovers and methods to efficiently integrate the use of clear aligners and composites to create life-changing smile makeovers for our patients.

Friday, 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm
Saturday, 11:00 am

Valentin Vervack


Simplified Shading – Intuitive Shade Selection with Valentin Vervack

Rebuilding a Class IV restoration with a simple step-by-step technique using a single shade composite followed by a very easy polishing and finishing technique. During the lecture, you will learn about the blending effect of composites and how to effectively select the right shade.

Friday, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm

Giuseppe Chiodera


Deep Caries Lesions: Managing Margin Elevation with Giuseppe Chiodera

A daily problem which is always a challenge. Get ready for the challenge! In a live demonstration you will see how to solve this problem of a deep class II restoration, step-by-step. Including things you need to consider before the start – will crown lengthening be needed? What are the best instruments and tools for managing deep caries lesions? What is the best bonding protocol? Here you will get the answers!

Saturday, 10:00 am and 2:00 pm

David Clark


Injection Molded, Monolithic Posterior Restorations: Key to Long Term Clinical Success with David Clark

Learn to enjoy placing class II restorations by modernizing your cavity preparations, trusting state-of-the-art bulkfill composites, and using injection molding techniques. Move away from layering to build strong, monolithic composites with predictable, anatomically contoured contacts achieved with Bioclear™ method.

Wednesday, 2:00 pm

We look forward to welcoming you at stand G090 in hall 4.2 – We never stop solving for you!

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