before and after
September 4, 2023
Dr. Andrew See, BDS Hons, FRACDS, MSc, PGDipDentImplantology, FICOI, MFDSRCSEng

Clinical Case: Glass-Ceramic Tabletop Restoration Using 3M™ RelyX™ Universal Resin Cement

Using 3M™ Scotchbond™ Universal Plus Adhesive, 3M™ Filtek™ Bulk Fill Flowable Restorative, and 3M™RelyX™ Universal Resin Cement.

About the Case

A 54-year male with a history of bruxism presented with cracks in tooth 16. The tooth tested vital.  After removal of the existing amalgam restoration, extensive radiating crack lines were found propagating from mesial to distal and buccal to palatal. Due to his bruxism and history of cracked teeth that needed endodontic treatment, it was decided to protect the tooth from further cracks with a cusp-capping tabletop restoration. Cusps were reduced to the minimum required thickness (1.5mm) of the indirect material. Dentine was sealed with 3M™ Scotchbond™ Universal Plus Adhesive and the cavity was lined with 3M™ Filtek™ Bulk Fill Flowable. A lithium disilicate (IPS e.max®) restoration was fabricated with CEREC®, stained and glazed. Bonding was performed with 3M™ RelyX™ Universal Resin Cement using a selective enamel etch protocol and 3M™ Scotchbond™ Universal Plus Adhesive as the restoration primer and tooth adhesive.

Learn more about the products used in this clinical case

Initial situation

Removal of old amalgam revealed cracks running under buccal and distobuccal cusps.


Tabletop preparation with minimum required occlusal reduction of 1.5mm.


Composite was sandblasted (50 µm alumina) and enamel was etched followed by application of 3M™ Scotchbond™ Universal Plus Adhesive.


Lithium disilicate restoration, HF etched and silanized with 3M™ Scotchbond™ Universal Plus Adhesive.


Seating of tabletop on 3M™ RelyX™ Universal Resin Cement layer applied to the preparation.

Restoration in place, excess cement was removed right away with floss and instruments.

Final light cure

Finished margin after final light cure through glycerin gel.

Final restoration

Final restoration.

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